This website collects young adult literature deemed especially suited for creative language classroom teaching and discussing social issues.
It was created as part of the Erasmus+ programme DigLit: Digital Toolkit for ESL/EFL Classroom to Combat Social Inequalities in Times of Covid19 Crises.
- All (107)
- Available For Free (Open Access) (10)
- Date of publication (107)
- 1800s and before (3)
- 1946-1999 (9)
- 2000-2009 (14)
- 2010-2019 (59)
- 2020-today (23)
- Extracts – Well Suited for Teaching With Extracts (9)
- Fiction (23)
- Language (90)
- Language Level (69)
- Length (42)
- LGBTQI* (21)
- Non-fiction (8)
- Physical Format (78)
- Audiobook (27)
- eBook (53)
- Online (15)
- Other Physical Formats (1)
- Print (63)
- School grades (87)
- Text Format (98)
- Drama (3)
- Novel (80)
- Other Text Formats (5)
- Poetry (9)
- Short Story (6)
- Tough Topics (1)
- Uncategorized (23)
autobiography (5) blackness (5) coming of age (9) contemporary (11) crime (6) cultural identity (4) Detective (3) discrimination (5) diversity (19) dystopian (4) equality (11) family (21) fantasy (4) feminism (6) fiction (18) friendship (6) gender (4) generations (4) growing up (18) History (4) identity (5) immigration (7) LGBT (15) LGBTQI (7) London (3) love (20) memoir (9) mental health (6) middle grade (5) migration (4) Murder (4) mystery (9) non-fiction (4) nonfiction (7) poetry (6) queerness (6) race (19) racial injustices (3) racism (5) romance (9) school (9) sexuality (3) teenagers (4) Thriller (6) young adult literature (35)